Media Coverage

English Language Media

Greg Earl, ‘Australian study to examine China links after free trade deal’, Australian Financial Review, 26 June 2015.

ANU professor Peter Drysdale to co-lead first major joint study on Australia-China economic relationship’, The Canberra Times, 27 June 2015.

Chinese Language Media

The Fourth Global Think Tank Summit’, China Network.

The Fourth Global Think Tank Summit’, Sina Finance.

Lan Min, ‘Global Think Tank Summit about to convene, Chinese and overseas leaders to discuss new paths to sustainable development’, China Radio International, 23 June 2015. (Republished by People’s Daily Online).

Wang Guan and Wang Ke, ‘The Fourth Global Think Tank Summit Opens’, People’s Daily, 27 June 2015, p. 4.

China Center for International Economic Exchanges, ‘CCIEE holds signing ceremonies with related organisations from Australia, France and South Korea’, 27 June 2015.

Ma Changyan, ‘Collaboration agreement on China-Australia economic relations joint study focuses on China-Australia energy trade’, China Economy Network, 27 June 2015. (Republished by Phoenix News and NetEase News).

Ding Dong and Dong Guanyang, ‘Chinese and Australian think tanks sign collaboration agreement on economic relations joint study’, China News Service, 27 June 2015. (Republished by People’s Daily Online and 21CN).

Gao Yuzhi, ‘Peter Drysdale: China’s economic development affects the entire world’, China Network, 27 June 2015.

Tencent Finance, ‘Drysdale: Capital account liberalisation is key to Chinese reform’, Tencent News, 27 June 2015.

Yang Mi, ‘China Center for International Economic Exchanges signs collaboration agreements with think tanks from Australia, France and South Korea’, Guangming Daily, 28 June 2015, p. 8. (Republished byThe State Council of the People’s Republic of China and Sina News).

Yang Jia, ‘“China-Australia economic relations joint study collaboration agreement” is signed in Beijing’, China Network, 29 June 2015.